epa08251052 (FILE) - Muslim pilgrims perform Tawaf (circling) around the Kaaba inside the al-Haram al-Sharif mosque, in preparation of the start of the Hajj 2019 pilgrimage, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 07 August 2019 (Reissued 26 February 2020). According to a statement on 26 February, Saudi Arabia has suspended religious tourism temporarily for the purposes of Umrah (a minor Islamic pilgrimage that can be done at any time of the year), as well as visiting the mosque of Prophet Muhammad, al-Masjid an Nabawi, in efforts to prevent the Covid-19 coronavirus in the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia is also suspending the entry of non-Saudi citizens coming from affected countries. EPA/STR (MaxPPP TagID: epalivefour646272.jpg) [Photo via MaxPPP]
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